Collection: Triconex Rack

A Triconex rack is a standardized 19-inch rack used for housing Triconex safety instrumented system (SIS) controllers and I/O modules. Triconex SIS systems find applications in various industries such as oil and gas, chemical processing, and nuclear power to ensure the safety of individuals and the environment in the face of hazardous events.

These Triconex racks are typically constructed from durable materials like steel or aluminum, built to withstand challenging industrial environments. They are engineered for easy accessibility to controllers and I/O modules, simplifying maintenance and troubleshooting tasks.

The configuration of Triconex racks can be tailored to suit the specific requirements of an application. For instance, a rack can be set up to accommodate a single controller, multiple controllers, or a combination of controllers and I/O modules. Racks may also be stacked or mounted within cabinets to optimize space utilization.

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